How to get the A Friendly Push achievement in Split Fiction

As you work your way through the thrilling co-op adventure in Split Fiction, you’ll stumble upon a variety of cute, one-off interactions within the worlds. While most of them are just for kicks, there are a handful that also grant you trophies or achievements for engaging with them. One of these called “A Friendly Push” involves swinging on a two-seater swing fairly early in the game. Here’s where to find the swing and how to get the “A Friendly Push” trophy or achievement.
How to get the A Friendly Push achievement in Split Fiction
Step 1: Go to Chapter Select and choose Hopes of Spring > The Underlands.
Step 2: Navigate through the opening of the level until you push a boulder through some overgrowth.
Step 3: After passing through the large door you just opened a way through, look to the right to see a swing near the cliffside.
Step 4: Have Zoe sit on the swing alone.
Step 5: Shapeshift Mio into a gorilla.
Step 6: Use your slam ability while directly against the swing to instead turn it into a punch of sorts, sending Zoe flying off the level and popping the “A Friendly Push” trophy or achievement.